Sunday, November 6, 2011


Urgent call for written testimony in support of any of the following bills that will amend the Independent Contractor Law: Senate Bill S00957/House Bill H01412 or House Bill 2874, An Act Relative to Independent Contractors.

On November 3rd there was a public hearing before the Joint Committee on Labor and Work Force Development on the 3 bills noted above. There were a total of 43 bills being heard at this hearing, but by far the most testimony concerned the Independent Contractor Law. Testimony included both proponents of a change as well as opponents. The following article is a good summary of the testimony:

We need to generate as much written testimony in favor of these bills as possible by November 8th. Please take the time to send in testimony and ask other Massachusetts residents to do so as well. For more information on these two bills and the reasons we need to change a 2004 law governing independent contractors/freelancers in our state, see the prior postings on this blog.

Please send in written testimony in support of these bills to the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development- email address: by November 8th (Kate is the staffer who will make sure all the committee members get a copy of your testimony). You should also send copies of your testimony to your own Senator and Representative.

Thank you for taking the time to do this.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just saw this now since I've been having some computer issues for the past week. Would it still be useful to provide a writeup?
