Friday, February 12, 2010

Legislative update

Since the Jan. 27th committee hearing on the bills to amend this law, I have spoken with the office of the Committee on Labor and Work Force Development to find out about the progress of House Bill 1844 and Senate Bill 670. They don't know when they will meet on these bills, because there are many bills they are deciding on. However all bills need to be reported out by March 17. I will keep calling to follow up on this.

The report can be: Favorable but it then might go to a steering committee to decide what to do next, Ought to Pass, or Study. I assume there is a less favorable report, but they didn't mention that. One of the people I spoke with sounded quite positive, saying that we had the most people testifying for a bill that was heard by this committee. They suggested that we all contact the Speaker's office, Governor's office, and our Representativess and Senators. I assume this contact should wait until after the committee reports out.

If you know of anyone who still might want to provide written testimony, the committee is still taking this testimony. Since they couldn't tell me when they will confer on the bills, this testimony should be sent very soon. Testimony that arrives after they confer on this is put in a file for the future (whatever that means). Send the testimony to

We will keep you up to date with any progress with these bills. Keep checking this blog for this information.

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